lørdag 22. januar 2011

RS800cx an update after some use

This post is an update of the previous post regarding differences between S625x and RS800cx.

I'm getting into a rhythm of using the new watch. I have been looking more into the exercise planning feature together with the Protrainer 5 software. As I just recently, as a part of a group in my cycling club, started to exercise after a plan with fairly detailed exercises, this feature is a really great help. The Protrainer 5 exercise planner can plan really detailed and complex exercises. These can be stored and can easily be reused. You add these exercises to a day and transfer the plan to the watch. Then, when ready to start the exercise, you just select "Today" on the watch, press start and you are ready to go. All wanted watch settings are defined together with the exercise.
Afterwards, when the results have been transfered from the watch to the Protrainer SW, you can easily compare the plan against the results.
Personally, I mostly use this feature to get all the settings into the watch, but also do define more complex exercises that consists of many time intervals with different levels of intensity.

Otherwise the watch seem for function OK, no problems noted. The possibility to zoom numbers on the watch display is great, but the bent glass that is placed over the watch significantly reduce the readability during low light conditions, e.g. indoor in a reduced lighted spinning hall or outdoor at night when trying to read the watch using the street lightning. The watch has built in light though.
I have not got scratches in this glass yet, but it is very exposed. In the S625x, the glass is more protected, because it is a little sunken into the top of the watch.

Another very annoying issue is that it is very easy to activate the start button without wanting it.
Edit since first publish: Truls reminded me that the watch has a keylock function that can be used to prevent accidental keypress of the start button. So this is not on the list of annoyances anymore.

The start button is much easier to activate on the RS800cx than the S625x. On the S625x, this button is a little sunken into the surface, on the RS800cx, it is elevated. On the S625x you can have the problem of not getting this button activated when you want to and because of weak audio feedback and poor tactile feedback, you may miss that it didn't register. The RS800cx has better tactile feedback and better sound. On the S625x, dirt can fill up underneath the button to amplify this problem to the level where you can't activate it.

I will also mention that I think it is unpleasant to to wear the watch. I have been wearing watches for many years, but I have never had to stop wearing a watch because it has a sharp edge that is digging into my skin. This is probably related to the anatomy of my wrist, but still, it could have been made more smooth.

I would really have liked if Polar had designed the watch for maximum display light reflexion and broader anatomical compatibility. My guess is that it is a trade-off from trying to make watch look better. I have no opinion on that, other than noting that it is less high than the S625x.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Ståle.
    Jeg har den samme klokken og bruker den omtrent som du, bortsett fra at jeg ikke ennå er så avansert at jeg har pre-definert treningene. Men det var et så godt tips at jeg må vurdere det.

    Klokken har en taste-lås funksjon akkurat som mobiltelefonen. Den kan du sette en timer på og vips, så er du kvitt problemet med at du starter treninger når du tar på jakken.

    - Truls

  2. Takk Truls, jeg var ikke klar over at denne funksjonen også virket på vanlig klokkevisning.

    Jeg har rettet litt på innlegget.

